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Best PTC Sites, Complete Offers and simple tasks, complete survey, credit and debit card, earn money from home, Easy Money In Bangladesh, extra income,home based opportunities, Instant Money, mechanical turk, moneybooker ,Site Reviews, online home business, Online Income, Online job and payment, paycheck, paypal, alertpay, payza, Refer and earn, Write and earn, earn money with android apps and Financial Advice for all

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Best PTC Sites, Complete Offers and simple tasks, complete survey, credit and debit card, earn money from home, Easy Money In Bangladesh, extra income,home based opportunities, Instant Money, mechanical turk, moneybooker ,Site Reviews, online home business, Online Income, Online job and payment, paycheck, paypal, alertpay, payza, Refer and earn, Write and earn, earn money with android apps and Financial Advice for all

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Best PTC Sites, Complete Offers and simple tasks, complete survey, credit and debit card, earn money from home, Easy Money In Bangladesh, extra income,home based opportunities, Instant Money, mechanical turk, moneybooker ,Site Reviews, online home business, Online Income, Online job and payment, paycheck, paypal, alertpay, payza, Refer and earn, Write and earn, earn money with android apps and Financial Advice for all

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Best PTC Sites, Complete Offers and simple tasks, complete survey, credit and debit card, earn money from home, Easy Money In Bangladesh, extra income,home based opportunities, Instant Money, mechanical turk, moneybooker ,Site Reviews, online home business, Online Income, Online job and payment, paycheck, paypal, alertpay, payza, Refer and earn, Write and earn, earn money with android apps and Financial Advice for all

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Top most great tips for saving money for those just getting started-First Part

Most important steps and before you know it, your financial life is getting better and better. What follow is top most great steps to take. Each of these tactics is simple little moves you can make to improve your financial situation. Some of them take just a few minutes, others might take an hour or two, some of them require a bit of regular effort, but they’re all incredibly simple – anyone can do them. Each of them also save significant money, especially over the long haul, and when combined together these tips can save you a lot of money now.
Obviously, not all of these tips will apply to everyone. Just go through the list and find ten or fifteen that do apply to you and use them in your life – you’ll quickly find yourself saving some serious scratch.

1. Switch your bank accounts to a bank that respects you.

You shouldn’t be spending your hard-earned money on maintenance fees – you also should be earning some serious interest on your checking and savings accounts. Interest rates are not what they once were, but some of the best free checking accounts and best savings accounts can be found online. Here’s a guide on how to make that switch.

2. Turn off the television.

One big way to save money is to watch less television. There are a lot of financial benefits to this: less exposure to guilt-inducing ads, more time to focus on other things in life, less electrical use, and so on. It’s great to unwind in the evening, but seek another hobby to do that.

3. Turn a critical eye to your “collections.”

Most people collect something – what do you collect? Is it something that consistently brings you joy? Or is it something that you just do out of habit at this point? Does the collection itself have value? Could you perhaps “trim the fat” from this collection by getting rid of duplicates or getting rid of the items you no longer use? Also, could you perhaps cut down on your spending on that hobby? Focus on trimming the things you don’t feel strongly about – if you dig into things that bother you, you’re going to eventually relapse.

4. Sign up for every free customer rewards program you can.

Even if you rarely shop at that place, having a rewards card for that place will eventually net you some coupons and discounts. Here’s the basic game plan for maximizing these programs: create a Gmail address just for these mailings, collect every card you can, and then check that account for extra coupons whenever you’re ready to shop. Another good idea is to use Rewards Credit Cards that give points on purchases at a wide range of stores. Check out this post on the best rewards credit cards for some recommended cards.

5. Make your own gifts instead of buying stuff from the store.

You can make food mixes, candles, bread, cookies, soap, and all kinds of other things at home quite easily and inexpensively. These make spectacular gifts for others because they involve your homemade touch, plus quite often they’re consumable, meaning they don’t wind up filling someone’s closet with junk. Even better – include a personal handwritten note with the gift. This will make it even more special than anything you could possibly buy down at the mall, plus it saves you money.

6. Master the thirty day rule.

Whenever you’re considering making an unnecessary purchase, wait thirty days and then ask yourself if you still want that item. Quite often, you’ll find that the urge to buy has passed and you’ll have saved yourself some money by simply waiting. If you want, you can even keep a “thirty day list” where you write down the item and the day you’ll reconsider it, but I prefer just to keep this one in my head – that way, I often just forget about the unimportant things.

7. Write a list before you go shopping – and stick to it.

One should never go into a store without a strong idea of what one will be buying while in there. Make a careful plan of what you’ll buy before you go, then stick strictly to that list when you go to the store. Don’t put anything in the cart that’s not on the list, no matter how tempting, and you’ll come out of the store saving a bundle.

8. Invite friends over instead of going out.

Almost every activity at home is less expensive than going out. Invite some friends over and have a cookout or a potluck meal, then play some cards and have a few drinks. Everyone will have fun, the cost will be low, and the others will likely reciprocate not long afterwards.

9. Instead of throwing out some damaged clothing, repair it instead.

Don’t toss out a shirt because of a broken button – sew a new one on with some closely-matched thread. Don’t toss out pants because of a hole in them – put in a patch of some sort and save them for times when you’re working around the house. Simple sewing can be done by anyone – it just takes a few minutes and it saves a lot of money by keeping you from buying new clothes when you don’t really need to.

10. Don’t spend big money entertaining your children.

Most children, especially young ones, can be entertained very cheaply. Buy them an end roll of newspaper from your local paper and let their creativity run wild. Make a game out of ordinary stuff around the house, like tossing pennies into a jar, even. Realize that what your children want most of all is your time, not your stuff, and you’ll find money in your pocket and joy in your heart.

11. Call your credit card company and ask for a rate reduction.

Take any of your credit cards that are carrying a balance, flip them over, and call the number on the back. Tell them that you want an interest rate reduction or you’ll take your business elsewhere. If the first person you talk to won’t do it, ask to talk to a supervisor. If you have a $5,000 balance, even a 3% rate reduction saves you $150 a year.

12. Clean out your closet.

Go through your closets and try to get rid of some of the stuff in there. You can have a yard sale with it, take it to a consignment shop, or even donate it for the tax deduction – all of which turn old stuff you don’t want to use any more into money in your pocket. Not only that, it’s often a psychological load off your mind to clean out your closets.

13. Buy video games that have a lot of replay value – and don’t acquire new ones until you’ve mastered what you have.

My video game buying habits have changed quite a bit since my “game of the week” days. Now, I focus on games that can be played over and over and over again, and I focus on mastering the games that I buy. Good targets include puzzle games and long, involved quest games – they maximize the value of your gaming dollar.

14. Drink more water.

Not only does drinking plenty of water have great health benefits, water drinking has financial benefits, too. Drink a big glass of water before each meal, and not only will you digest it better, you won’t eat as much, saving on the ol’ food bill. You’ll also find yourself feeling a bit better as you begin to get adequately hydrated (most Americans are perpetually somewhat dehydrated).

15. Cut back on the convenience foods – fast foods, microwave meals, and so on.

Instead of eating fast food or just nuking some prepackaged food when you get home, try making some simple and healthy replacements that you can take with you. An hour’s worth of preparation one weekend can give you a ton of cheap and handy meals that will end up saving you a lot of cash and not eat into your time when you’re busy.

16. Give up expensive habits, like cigarettes, alcohol, and drugs.

Those habits cause money to flow away from you with nothing in return. Call up your fortitude and work hard to kick the habits and you’ll find that money staying in your pocket instead of burning up and floating away.

17. Make a quadruple batch of a casserole.

Casseroles are nice, easy dishes to prepare, but on busy nights, it’s often still easier to just order some take-out or eat out or just plop a prepackaged meal in the oven. Instead, the next time you make a casserole, make four batches of it and put the other three in the freezer. Then, the next time you need a quick meal for the family, grab one of those batches and just heat it up – easy as can be. Even better, doing this allows you to buy the ingredients in bulk, making each casserole cheaper than it would be ordinarily – and far, far cheaper than eating out or trying a prepackaged meal.

18. Be diligent about turning off lights before you leave.

If you spend one minute turning off lights before a two hour trip, that’s the equivalent of earning $50 an hour. That’s some impressive savings, particularly if you do it before longer trips. The key is to use less energy, particularly when you’re not using the device.

19. Swap books, music, and DVDs cheaply on the internet via services like PaperBackSwap.

You can very easily swap the books and CDs and DVDs you’ve grown bored with via the internet with others. Just use sites like PaperBackSwap, clean out your media collection, and trade them with others online. The best part? You’ll get a flood of new books (or CDs or DVDs) to enjoy, mailed right to you – for free.

20. Maximize yard sales.

I like to stop by yard sales if I see them, but I recognize that often the stuff there is junk. Thus, I’m careful about what I buy and I use clever tactics to find it – and lower the prices. That way, I wind up with a really big bargain – or else I can just walk away with the money in my pocket, having been entertained for a bit.

21. Install CFL (or, even better, LED) bulbs wherever it makes sense.

These bulbs might cost more initially, but they both have a longer life than normal incandescent bulbs and they both eat far less electricity. CFLs tend to use about 25% of the electricity of an incandescent – LEDs use about 2%. CFLs are cheaper than LEDs right now and produce better light, but not quite as good as incandescent bulbs. My policy? Put LEDs in closets and out of the way places, use CFLs for hall and some room lighting, and use incandescent bulbs (until the other bulbs get better) where you read and do other eye-intensive activities. This will trim a significant amount from your electric bill.

22. Install a programmable thermostat.

These devices regulate the temperature in your house automatically according to the schedule that you set. Thus, when you’re not home, it allows the heating or cooling to turn off for several hours, saving you on your energy bill. A programmable thermostat can easily cut your energy bill by 10 to 20%. Nest is the new generation programmable thermostat that learns and connects to WiFi so it can be controlled remotely.

23. Buy appliances based on reliability, not what’s cheapest at the store.

It’s worth the time to do a bit of research when you buy a new appliance. A reliable, energy efficient washer and dryer might cost you quite a bit now, but if it continually saves you energy and lasts for fifteen years, you’ll save significant money in the long run. When you need to buy an appliance, research it – start with back issues of Consumer Reports at the library. An hour’s worth of research can easily save you hundreds of dollars.

24. Clean your car’s air filter.

A clean air filter can improve your gas mileage by up to 7%, saving you more than $100 for every 10,000 miles you drive in an average vehicle. Plus, cleaning your air filter is easy to do in just a few minutes – just follow the instructions in your automobile’s manual and you’re good to go.

25. Hide your credit cards.

Take your credit cards and put them in a safe place in your home, not in your wallet where it’s easy to spend them. If you argue that you need it for “emergencies,” just be sure to keep a small amount of cash hidden in your wallet for these emergencies. Don’t keep plastic on you until you have the willpower to not use it even when you’re sorely tempted.

26. Plan your meals around your grocery store’s flyer.

Instead of just planning your meals based on a cookbook or whatever you can dream up, plan all your meals around what’s on sale in your grocery store’s flyer. Look at the biggest sales, then plan meals based on those ingredients and what you have on hand, and you’ll find yourself with a much smaller food bill than you’re used to.

27. Do a price comparison – and find a cheaper grocery store.

Most of us get in a routine of shopping at the same grocery store, even though quite often it’s not the one that offers the best deals on our most common purchases. Fortunately, there’s a simple way to find the cheapest store around. Just keep track of the twenty or so things you buy most often, then shop for these items at a variety of stores. Eventually, one store will come out on top for your purchases – just make that one your regular shopping destination and you’ll automatically save money.

28. Challenge yourself to try making your own things.

Before I tried it myself, I thought homemade breadmaking was complicated and a waste of time and money. I came to find out that it was pretty easy and it was actually much cheaper, healthier, and tastier than buying a loaf from the store. Now, we rarely ever buy bread products at the store – and we save money by making that choice.

29. Don’t spend money just to de-stress.

Quite often, I used to spend money just to wind down from a stressful day at work. Instead, I’ve found that I quite often feel much better by going home and taking some quiet time just to stretch and then meditate. I end up feeling much more together, happy, and ready to face an evening with the kids in the right mindset than I ever would by just blowing some cash after work. Instead of spending to de-stress, try some basic meditation techniques, stretching, or yoga and see how you feel.

30. Talk to your loved ones about what your dreams are.

This seems like an odd way to save money, but think about it. If you spend time with the people you love the most and come to some consensus about your dreams, it becomes easy for you all to plan for it. If you’re all planning and working together towards this dream, it becomes easier to stay focused on it and reach it. Set a big, audacious goal together and encourage each other to be financially fit – soon, you’ll find you’re doing it naturally and your dreams are coming closer than ever.

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Top most successful ways to make money online

Top most successful ways to make money online

I got a plenty of hits on this site from those people who just type and search on google Ways to make money online, top ways to make money online, best ways to make money online, how to make money online etc etc. So i just though why not I should write a short post on a topic which can guide them how they can make money online in the easy way.

Money making is not a tough job on the Internet, people make it thought because this thing really needs a few sacrifices in order to return you something.

Patience - People who went rich in nights, they did not do that in one day. They spent time and keep a patience on what they were doing

Time & Effort - Nothing in this world can be obtained without any effort. You need to spent time on a job in order to make a successful business. That’s the big key to success.

Anyways making money on the internet is really not that tough. You can make it in easy way or difficult way. Easy way is to find the skill you have on your own. For example may be you can write good on different topics, or may be you can make beautiful designs or may be you have good development or programming skill. If you continue with the skill you have, it is the easiest way to make money online

The harder ways can be many, from starting mini sites to earn $100 a day with Adsense TO spending money on PPC and promoting products from other people or affiliate marketing in simple words.

Here is a short list of some of the best ways to make money online.

1. Do you know how to copy/paste

You can start any sort of data entry job. This is easiest way and everybody can do that. But payout in this way is sometimes less while you have to do more effort and work. Data entry jobs can be found at many places like freelancing sites (Elance, RentaCoder, getAFreeLancer, etc). Or there are many companies too which are looking for data entry persons. Just google it and you’ll find the top results.

2. Can you design ?

Graphic designing is a long term way to make money online with you designing skills. If you have good grip on graphic designing, you can get a lot of money by designing graphics for other people. The best way is to start a few pages portfolio website and put some of your best work on it along with the client’s testimonials (if you have). Testimonials really works and can attract more clients to you. You can also try freelancing sites to find work and clients.

3. Coding is always needed

If you are a good web developer then you have the best skill to make tons of money online. Because coding is always expensive for clients but this expense worth for them. I am myself a php web developer. I know i m the one of the best coders in this field because I have experienced a lot of things and make tons of money with this skill. In last 3 years I don’t remember but I have made more than a million myself with this skill. I am still with my long term clients because if people know you are the best, they won’t leave you and give you jobs regularly. You can start from freelancing sites and find the best people to work with them regularly and focus on your behavior with them. They won’t leave you as big companies are always in need of web developers to maintain their websites.

4. Do you have good writing power?

Content writing is another best way to make money online. If your English skills are good and you have a big bag of words in your mind, then you can start writing for other people. Try if you can focus on one topic it would be best but it is not aways required. You can write on financial topics (that’s is the one which pays most), you can write on Internet marketing topics or on health topics (another big demand).

5. Do you have something to spend? Try website flipping

Money can not always be made freely. Sometimes you can spend a little money to make more. If you have some financial resources, you can start a couple of websites, hire some writers to write best articles on the topics. Start building links for this website. Make all of your efforts for atleast one month and bring a couple of visitors each day on your website. Then sell it.

You can get $7.21 a .com domain from godaddy. Better if you could try an expired one.A hosting budget (one time only)One month for building FREE links.
Then you can sell a website with few daily visitors around $100 to $300 easily. This is called making money with website flipping :) Now image if you do the same with 30 websites. You can earn up to $3000 each month.

6. come on, at least you can fill a Form to make money

You can try paid surveys. They can give you good money by just keeping yourself busy in filling out the surveys. There are many websites you can try like survey or etc.

7. Giving SEO services to people

Search engine optimization is a big need of Internet business these days. Everyone wants to get tons of traffic in FREE ways. Free ways is to obtain visitors from search engines and for this, they have to build links or optimize their website to make it SEO friendly. If you have the right formula you can give SEO services to people. Believe me it is the highest paying job. One of my friend is taking $500 per hour for SEO service for a big company and he is proving to them that he deserve this rate.

8. Forum posting Services

Of Course this one pays too. Everyone wants to promote their website and one of the promotion method is forum posting. You can get some clients easily and start posting them on different forums by giving them backlinks or sometimes clients wishes you to post on their own forum. You can easily get up to $0.50 per post easily and for each post you just to write two to five lines of text.

9. Social Bookmarking Service

You can also try by giving social bookmarking services to people. This is also one of the best ways to drive quick traffic to websites. All you have to do is to prepare a short paragraph about a site and submit it to a desired number of social bookmarking sites.

10. Sell Stuff from other people

You can also sell other people’s stuff. This is also known as affiliate marketing. you can join some of affiliate networks and start promoting products of other people. As a return you’ll your commission. See my post on what is affiliate marketing.

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Know how to Easy way Make Money with Data Entry

Know how to Easy way Make Money with Data Entry

Data entry is the simplest form of work and the most searched term on the internet in the category of home based jobs. It is a simple typing job any one can do and does not require any special skills. It involves the entry of data from one form to another form; for example conversion of data from the picture format (JPEG or PDF) to Microsoft word format.
It only requires

A. Basic typing skills; where you can type about 30 words per minute.

B. Basic computer skills; where you can operate the computer, internet and Microsoft word documents.

C. Basic knowledge of English where you can read and write simple English.
How to Make Money with Data Entry

Data entry is the simplest form of work and the most searched term on the internet in the category of home based jobs. It is a simple typing job any one can do and does not require any special skills. It involves the entry of data from one form to another form; for example conversion of data from the picture format (JPEG or PDF) to Microsoft word format.

You can work from the comfort of your home or form an internet/cyber cafe. You have feasible timings; you can work in your convenient time. How much work to do depends on you, you work only when you feel like working?  Since this is an opportunity from the Internet you have the flexibility of working from any corner of the world.

Although data entry is the easiest way to earn money online, it consists of the biggest scams of the internet. Out of the 100 websites which says they provide data entry work, only 1 websites is genuine and the rest 99 websites are scam. They take money from you, give work to you and never pay you.

Apart from the conversion of data from picture to word format we have two other types of earning methods in the data entry business. They are called copy-paste jobs.

Forum Posting

The job is to post online ads in the Internet. You need to post Ads in specific websites and forums provided by the data entry agency. For forum posting you need good writing skills as sometimes you need to interact with the members of the forum before posting the Ads.

In simple words it is a Link building job. You will be posting a number of links in forums. You will earn a good share for posting Simple links in forums. You can either post a new question or reply to any thread on forums.

The link building work is given by large SEO (search engine optimization) companies where they want their customer websites to increase the page ranks in the search engines and to get good traffic.

Ad Posting

The job is to post Ads in the classifieds. You work is to Post Ad content in various classified websites, Message boards and Web directories. The data and the list of free classifieds websites will be provided to you by the data entry providing company.

Ad posting process is simple: Register into the Classified Websites, select categories which actually allows ad posting or the category which suits your ads, copy title and description and paste in classified websites, click on post the AD. That is it; you have completed the job successfully.

The data entry company will provide you all the work details including AD links and website addresses to post the Ads. After posting the Ads you need to send the URL of the link of the forum where you posted the content. You get paid for every valid Ad posting which is reflecting in the website when searched with the URL link.

How much do you get paid?

How much you earn purely depends upon how much data entry you do every day. If you do data entry along with the forum posting and Ad posting you have better chances to earn more. Five to six hours of daily work will give a good income.

Accuracy is an important part in this data entry business. You will be paid good amount when your quality of data entry is above 98% and will be less paid when the quality is less. It also depends how you post the Ads into the Ad networks and forums.

Normally you get paid through Check, Online transfer or PayPal